Easy Stink Bug Control Tip: Inspect Your Shopping Bags And Clothes Before Coming Inside

No matter how well you think you are protecting your home against a stink bug infestation, you may wondering how on earth these bugs are still managing to get inside.

Even if you have sealed off all possible entry ways into your home using caulk or duct tape, and you still find that you are having difficulty with stink bug control in your home, then you will need to think outside of the box and consider other means through which they may be getting inside:

You could very well be bringing stink bugs into your home from outside without even realizing it.

If you live in an area that has an exceptionally high population of stink bugs, then it goes without saying that you need to be extremely vigilant. Stink bugs could literally emerge from anywhere at any time. They are not only in our homes. But it is also not uncommon to encounter them in public places as well. You could find them in the least likely of places, such as grocery stores or restaurants. You could even find them in retail shops such as bookstores, automotive repair shops, or shopping malls. And then of course you can even encounter them out in open places such as playgrounds or sports stadiums as well.

If you live in a part of the country that has seen a drastic increase in the occurrence of stink bugs, then you are going to need to be extremely vigilant pretty much any time that you leave your house to go anywhere, whether you go to work or school, whether you are going shopping, or you are going outside to engage in an outdoor recreational activity. Even if you do not visibly see any stink bugs when you go out, you need to be mindful of the fact that there is a very real possibility that you might accidentally bring them home with you when you return back home. How?

Inspect Your Bags Before Bringing Them Inside

For one thing, you need to be careful when you handle any bags, purses, or any other tangible objects outside. If you leave your items unattended, whether out in the open, or in a public place, a stink bug that happens to be flying around or crawling around nearby could be attracted by a scent emanating from among your possessions. Before you know it, they could easily get into your bags, or could even simply just perch themselves onto you bag. And so when you return back home, without you even realizing it, you will have inadvertently brought a stink bug home.

Now, the last thing you want is to open up your grocery bags, only to find a frightened stink bug fly out (and spray a whiff of its pungent odor into the air in the process) and seek refuge somewhere in the confines of your house.

Therefore, it is extremely important that you take a moment to inspect your bags before you place them in the trunk of your car, or before you pick them and carry them with you. And it is important that you make sure that if you have any open bags, that you keep them closed, zipped up, or sealed off in such a way so as not to allow stink bugs to potentially get inside.

Inspect Your Clothing Before Coming Inside

Furthermore, if you end up spending a great deal of time outdoors, whether you are gardening, you are playing sports, going for a walk or a jog outside, you need to be vigilant of the fact that a stink bug could land on your clothing, completely unbeknownst to you.

The common sense thing to do, before you get into your car or before you come into your house, is to inspect your clothing. Run your hands along the front and back of your shirt and pants, and through your hair, to make sure that aren’t any stink bugs on your person.

All it takes is one stink bug piggy backing on your clothes or in your bags, getting into your home, to potentially attract more stink bugs into your home. Stink bugs emanate what’s called an aggregation hormone which tips off other stink bugs to their location. When other stink bugs happen upon this scent, they will immediately be drawn toward it. And the next thing you know, your stink bug problems will multiply.

So always be mindful to ensure that you aren’t inadvertently bringing stink bugs home, by brushing off your clothing or by inspecting your bags before you bring them inside. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Doing so will go a long way in keeping your home safe from a fresh infestation of stink bugs.